

Make better decisions as a founder by seeing how you can turn AI into your business strategist, thought partner, and sound board.


What ThinkWithAI Subscribers Are Saying

“I use ThinkWithAI because I want weekly help in expanding my thinking, working through challenges, brainstorming opportunities and more. It's become a key part of my week that I look forward to because I'm "sharpening the saw" in becoming a better business owner and leader. ”

Ryan CoteManaging Partner,

“These are great exercises that get you thinking about your business or life-situation from new angles. I look forward to trying out new prompts each week!”

Genesis Dayrit

“As an AI novice and newbie, I’m so glad I found ThinkWithAi, not only have I completed some awesome thought exercises that have helped both personally and with my business, I have started to unlock using AI effectively. I love how easy ThinkWithAi makes it and the thought exercises and prompts I get provided every week. It’s hands down the best $20 I spend every month.”

Tom MoffattHigh Performance and Business Coach | GrowUnio

Frequently Asked Questions